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23 March 2005: Who's cheating? (2 of 4)

Okay, so, to summarize: NCLB requires that states and districts spend a certain amount of money for private companies that publish and score the tests that determine access to federal funds. Because of these high stakes, educators dishonestly inflate test scores. As a result of this, states and districs spend more money on private companies that investigate dishonest testing practices.

Right now, I'm remembering a bumper sticker that is seen almost exclusively in the blue states. You'll see it on fuel-efficient, compact, foreign, and discontinued model cars. Aside from the fact that they may be bleeding-heart liberals, I think they have a point in this case: If you're not angry, you're not paying attention.

When my anger rises and collides with my natural curiosity, I find that I boil over with questions.

What is it about this test that makes it SO valuable?

Why are politicians and businesses responsible for defining student success?

Why are educators giving in to the system?

Why would dishonest educators act in such a way that they are not only perpetuating the system that encouraged them to act dishonestly in the first place, but they are also making the situation even worse for schools that don't cheat?

teaching quote of the day

Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.

- Chinese proverb

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