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27 January 2005: Rocks and Chalkboards (1 of 6)

I recently read an article by Michael Apple (), discussing some issues surrounding technology in the classroom. Originally written in the mid-1980’s, his ideas have been updated for the new millennium.

Throughout the article, Apple makes many interesting points about things teachers may take for granted in their use of technology in the classroom. He argues that although many of us believe that computer literacy is a growing requirement for economic success in this country, the explosion of computers into the workplace actually creates more unskilled jobs than any other type.

Beyond that, he sites several studies that indicate that the use of computers in classrooms around the country actually serves to maintain class stratification; If you are poor and black, you’re probably using the computer for skills practice, but if you are rich and white, you’ll probably learn basic programming skills.

teaching quote of the day

Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.

- Chinese proverb

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