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10 December 2004: Cardinal Rules for Administrators (1 of 6)

Sometimes I can hardly believe it myself. Is it possible? Really? How could someone get as far as their second position as an elementary principal and still be making blunders like those I encounter from my current administrator? It’s as if someone gave her a list of the ten cardinal rules for managing teachers and she decided the best thing for the kids would be to start breaking the rules, one at a time. Now, to be fair, I’ve never been an administrator of a school. I have worked in management and administration for many industries; theater, business, technology, even academia. So, while my experience may not include running an elementary school, my perspective is well informed. So, let’s explore the rules for running an elementary school, as I see it, and examine the way my principal is failing miserably.

teaching quote of the day

Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.

- Chinese proverb

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