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04 November 2004: Job Posting: Unreasonable Diligence and Paperwork Required (2 of 5)

So here’s the thing about looking for jobs: They’re not posted.

I understand that districts don’t always know which sites will have openings, and that some small districts may experience very little turnover from year to year. Fine. I still don’t understand why a district wouldn’t list general openings with generic job descriptions, just to attract as many applicants as possible.

As it is, many districts list site-specific job listings, but then process them at the district level. Obviously, the time it takes to communicate openings, interviews, and hirings from the site to the district to the public is far more arduous than it needs to be. Until August comes, and then my experience has been that large districts scramble to fill openings with any warm body before the first day of school. I always fight a deep fear that because my application is not specific to any one position, that it will then be overlooked when the jobs actually do become available.

All I’m saying is, why don’t they anticipate some openings and look for some quality teachers?

teaching quote of the day

Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.

- Chinese proverb

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